You've finished The Starter Pack and the Sequel, loved it, achieved results and are now ready for the final 6 weeks?
Here's what you get:

Unlock the final 6 weeks now!



This program is called ‘Trilogy’ because it is the third chapter in your fitness journey. 

First and foremost, it’s designed to follow both the 6-Week Starter Pack and The Sequel programs.

The third program builds upon the foundation laid by the previous two programs.


The structure of Trilogy follows the same effective principles, with added challenges and new elements to keep you progressing. It’s a 6-week program with two 3-week phases that are designed to push your strength, endurance, and skillset further than ever before, in a methodical and progressive way.


As always, you’ll receive detailed video tutorials for each exercise, making it feel like I’m training alongside you—guiding you every step of the way to reach your goals.

Much like the Starter Pack and The Sequel, The Trilogy continues to deliver a complete fitness experience. It includes a full mobility routine, three strength workouts per week, and updated nutrition guidance to complement your training. This time, the nutrition plan is provided by Precision Nutrition experts, ensuring you have everything you need to fuel your progress.

And once again, just like the Starter Pack (and the Sequel), technically speaking there are two programs, because I created a men’s version and a women’s version. While there are no gender-specific exercises, most men I’ve trained have different goals than the women I’ve trained, and different goals necessitate a different approach—hence the differing routines.

Complete Mobility

Three NEW Strength Workouts
Per Week

Nutrition Guide by
Precision Nutrition

Same State of the Art
App to Track Progress



Same logic as female version, just slightly different goals.



Same logic as male version, just slightly
different goals.

Both routines are comprised of three full-body strength workouts a week, each workout lasting 45 minutes to an hour.

I unequivocally believe that properly designed full-body strength training is the most effective and efficient way to achieve a lean physique.


I’m Ben Bruno, and if you’re reading this, you’ve probably completed both the Starter Pack and The Sequel, which means you’re ready for the next challenge—Trilogy. But in case you’ve just stumbled upon this page, let me introduce myself: I’m not a trainer who sits behind a computer creating workouts from a distance. I’m in the gym, working with real people day in and day out.

When I launched Starter Pack, it was my first-ever program. I had no idea if it would be successful. Fast forward to now, and over 15,000 people have gone through my programs, with incredible results. A lot has changed since then, but my mission remains the same: helping you get stronger, fitter, and healthier.

I train an incredible range of clients—my oldest is 78, and my youngest is 21. I work with celebrities, professional athletes, other coaches, and everyday people just trying to be their best. Over the years, I’ve learned how to tailor programs for all kinds of goals.

The thing I’m most proud about as a trainer is that I’ve had most of my clients stay with me for over seven years, because the only way to keep clients that long is to get results without getting hurt.

I’m also proud to be the only trainer who’s an advisor for both Men’s Health and Women’s Health.

“I’ve been training with Ben for over 7 years now and whether it’s getting ready for tour, a movie, or even golf, he always knows how to get me right!”
Justin Timberlake
“My favorite thing about Ben is his practical attitude forwards fitness. He doesn’t make workouts so hard that I can’t walk the next day or have enough energy to make it through the day. But, they’re extremely effective and have amazing results. I think that’s the key to keeping up a consistent workout routine.”
Kate Upton
“I’ve always enjoyed working out with Ben! Whether you are looking to get back into shape, rehab an injury, or train for high performance – he can help you reach your goals, just like he did for me!”
Caroline Wozniacki
"I've been weight training for over 30 years, and in one single training session with Ben, I learned more practical tools than in previous two decades. I'm not aware of any other training program or trainer with such potency of technique and science-based tools."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
Training with Ben is the most fun you’ll have while getting your ass kicked. He’s super knowledgeable and knows how to make efficient adjustments to get the best out of me, while keeping the environment light.
Giancarlo Stanton
“Not only is Ben one of the best trainers I’ve ever worked with, he’s also one of the best people I’ve ever known. He’s very encouraging with a wonderful sense of humor. My workouts are so much fun! I always leave feeling refreshed, proud of myself and slightly sore.”
Jaimie Alexander

“I’ve been training with Ben for over 7 years now and whether it’s getting ready for tour, a movie, or even golf, he always knows how to get me right!” 

Justin Timberlake

“My favorite thing about Ben is his practical attitude forwards fitness. He doesn’t make workouts so hard that I can’t walk the next day or have enough energy to make it through the day. But, they’re extremely effective and have amazing results. I think that’s the key to keeping up a consistent workout routine.” 

Kate Upton

“I’ve been weight training for over 30 years, and in one single training session with Ben, I learned more practical tools than in previous two decades. I’m not aware of any other training program or trainer with such potency of technique and science-based tools.”

Dr. Andrew Huberman

“I’ve always enjoyed working out with Ben! Whether you are looking to get back into shape, rehab an injury, or train for high performance – he can help you reach your goals, just like he did for me!” 

Caroline Wozniacki

“Training with Ben is the most fun you’ll have while getting your ass kicked. He’s super knowledgeable and knows how to make efficient adjustments to get the best out of me, while keeping the environment light.”

Giancarlo Stanton

“Not only is Ben one of the best trainers I’ve ever worked with, he’s also one of the best people I’ve ever known. He’s very encouraging with a wonderful sense of humor. My workouts are so much fun! I always leave feeling refreshed, proud of myself and slightly sore.” 

Jaimie Alexander


The Starter Pack kicked off my online training journey. It’s a 6-week program that came after years of in-person training clients from all walks of life, 6-7 days a week, for the last 15 years.


The Sequel built directly on that success, offering 6 more weeks of progression, and now over 15,000 people have completed these programs with great results.

Now, with Trilogy, I’m taking things to the next level. This third installment continues to deliver results, building on everything we’ve already accomplished but adding new challenges and progressions to keep you improving without burning out. It’s designed for people who want to keep pushing forward and achieve their best.


Even though the digital world was new to me when I started, I know exactly what people can handle in a 45-60 minute workout. I’ve created these programs to give you the results you want, without demanding that you sacrifice your life for training—and in a way that’s (hopefully!) fun, safe, and sustainable.



It’s taken me awhile to dip my toe into the online world because I’ve struggled to find the best way to deliver a program to the masses in a way that they’ll actually be able to do correctly because I’m admittedly so anal about good form. 

In most online programs the exercise demos are very short and offer little explanation, but I didn’t want to do that because I know firsthand that when I show a client a new exercise, they almost never do it right the first time just from watching my demo.

So instead, I took the extra time to explain each exercise just as I would do a new client, showing the intricacies and also the common mistakes people make so that you can avoid making them yourself. I want you to feel like I’m in the gym with you; and more importantly, I don’t want you to get hurt.


To be honest, Trilogy came to be much like a final installment in a movie series. When I first launched the Starter Pack, it was my introduction into virtual training, and I had no idea if it would work. I created it as a test to see if people would enjoy my programs, and it turned out to be a massive success.

The Sequel followed because the demand for more was so high, and now over 15,000 people have completed my programs. With so much feedback and progress from those who’ve stuck with the journey, it was time to introduce the next level: Trilogy.


This third program takes everything we’ve built so far and pushes it further. It’s designed for those who’ve already put in the work and are ready for more. Think of it as the final chapter that brings everything together.

NOT a cliché
6 week challenge

a quick fix

NOT overly
time consuming

IS realistic
and attainable

IS intro to
a healthy lifestyle

IS great for
any skill level

IS great for
fixing bad habits

Who is this program for?

In short, you, after you finish The Starter Pack and The Sequel.

I kid, but seriously, just like The Starter Pack (and The Sequel), I designed the program in a way that a total beginner can do it, and so could a professional athlete. My programs are built in a progressive manner where each phase builds on the previous phase, so you get time to master each exercise before moving on.

I also think this would be great for trainers to serve as a tested template for full-body training. Feel free to use this exact routine with clients, or take the framework and add your own spin. That’s the beauty of a starter-pack; you can use it as a launching point.




  1. Full mobility routine and dynamic warm-up exercises.
  2. 6-week strength program (Split into two 3-week phases).
  3. Complete in-depth video tutorials of each exercise.
  4. Accompanying nutrition info from Percision Nutrition.



Once again, you have two options: either the men’s OR women’s program, or you can get both. 

Remember, there are no gender-specific exercises but I do program differently for men and women because, generally speaking, the men I’ve trained usually have different goals than the women I’ve trained.

If you’re looking to work out with your partner, or if you’re a trainer interested in seeing the programming differences, you may want to buy together at a discounted price.

Men's Trilogy Program

$299 $199
  • Total 33% off the regular price

Women's Trilogy Program

$299 $199
  • Total 33% off the regular price

Both Versions

$598 $299
  • Total 50% off the regular price


“I’m really proud to say that Ben is an “MBSC guy” but prouder to say that we are good friends. Ben’s wit and wisdom have really made a dent in the training world.”
Mike Boyle
Ben Bruno is the best in the business. I’ve watched him transform NBA players during their off-seasons for years & he’s personally helped me get back in the best shape I’ve been in since I finished playing college basketball almost a decade ago!
Drew Hanlen
“Ben Bruno is one of the best trainers & coaches on the planet! Ben’s knowledge, humor, soul, experience and ability to find results is the reason I would trust him, indefinitely, with anyone.”
Don Saladino
Trainer, Location
Ben is a rare gem in the fitness industry. Unlike most fitness authorities, he actually loves training people in real life and spends the majority of his time in his gym working with elite clientele. He’s also freakishly strong and smart. He graduated from Columbia and has been the top 3 most influential coaches over the last couple decades. He’s the real deal!
Bret Contreras

“I’m really proud to say that Ben is an “MBSC guy” but prouder to say that we are good friends. Ben’s wit and wisdom have really made a dent in the training world.” 

Mike Boyle

“Ben Bruno is the best in the business. I’ve watched him transform NBA players during their off-seasons for years & he’s personally helped me get back in the best shape I’ve been in since I finished playing college basketball almost a decade ago!”

Drew Hanlen

“Ben Bruno is one of the best trainers & coaches on the planet! Ben’s knowledge, humor, soul, experience and ability to find results is the reason I would trust him, indefinitely, with anyone.” 

Don Saladino

“Ben is a rare gem in the fitness industry. Unlike most fitness authorities, he actually loves training people in real life and spends the majority of his time in his gym working with elite clientele. He’s also freakishly strong and smart. He graduated from Columbia and has been the top 3 most influential coaches over the last couple decades. He’s the real deal!”

Bret Contreras



This program is called ‘Trilogy’ for a few reasons.


First and foremost, it’s meant to be done after completing both the 6-Week Starter Pack and The Sequel. I don’t want you thinking you can skip ahead to the third program without doing the first two—it’s like watching the final chapter of a trilogy without seeing the first two movies. You’d be missing out on key foundations.


Trilogy builds directly upon the progress you made in the first two programs. If you haven’t completed the Starter Pack or The Sequel, I recommend starting there and building up to Trilogy.


I promise you’ll get more out of Trilogy after going through the first two. Here’s the thing, the Starter Pack is timeless—it’s where everyone should begin. The Sequel took things further, adding new layers of progression. Now, Trilogy introduces even more advanced workouts, designed to push you to new limits.


It’s another 6-week program with two 3-week phases, keeping the same methodical, progressive structure you’re used to. And, of course, you’ll continue to get in-depth video tutorials for each exercise, ensuring you’re on the right track as you take your training to the next level.

Let’s start by addressing the pink elephant in the room. The number one question I get asked by women who are embarking on a strength training routine for the first time is: Won’t strength training bulk me up?


Short Answer: No.
Long Answer: Nooooooooo.


I kid, I kid. I’m actually not kidding about the fact that following this workout program won’t bulk you up, but the question deserves a more nuanced answer.


As a man who has trained women for 15 years, I fully understand why a lot of women might think that strength training is going cause them to bulk, and I’ve worked really hard to debunk that myth. We’ve made a lot of headway, but there’s still a long way to go before strength training for women is widely accepted.


First off, I think a lot of women—understandably, but incorrectly—associate strength training with bodybuilding and get visions of huge men lifting weights. Moreover, a lot of training routines are designed by men with themselves in mind, so I can definitely see how women could feel like their goals and needs aren’t being met.


That’s exactly why I created a separate men’s and a separate women’s programs. I actually struggled with whether to do separate routines or just offer one ubiquitous program, and truth be told, most people advised me just to do one routine to make it easier.


But when it came down to it, I don’t train women the same as I train men in most cases, and I want this program to mimic the way I train my in-person female clients. The exercises are all the same; there are no gender-specific exercises, after all. But the way we program the workouts is different, not due to gender but due to differing goals. The women I train in person largely have different goals and want to focus on different parts of the body than the men I train; and call me Captain Obvious, but different goals necessitate a different plan of attack. This plan is the result of 15 years of asking women THEIR goals, and programming accordingly.

If you’re a bodybuilder trying to get huge or a powerlifter trying to bench press a Buick, this program ain’t for you. To quote the great Austin Powers, “that’s not my bag, baby”.


My bag is training guys who want to attain a lean, muscular, athletic physique. Furthermore, I believe that the best way to look the part is to play the part, so my programs are designed to not only improve your body looks-wise, but also improve the way it performs.


If you’re a guy who still likes to play sports and be active then this will obviously resonate with you, but even if you don’t care much about athleticism anymore and just want to look good, I unequivocally believe that if you’re seeking an athletic physique, training in a performance-oriented fashion will get you to your physique goals faster than traditional bodybuilding methods.


I’ve trained loads of professional athletes in many different sports, and most of them have amazing physiques that most dudes would kill for, solely as a byproduct of training for their sport. As such, the way I train most dudes is a slightly toned-down version of how the pro athletes train, utilizing full-body workouts centered around compound exercises that take the body through all the key movement patterns.

Full-body workouts might require a paradigm shift if you’re used to do doing body-part splits, or even an upper/lower split like a lot of guys do. Like many guys who first learned training from bodybuilding magazines back in the day, I started with body-part splits, then moved to an upper/lower split after a few years, then switched to full-body workouts about 10 years ago and never looked back.


I absolutely believe that full-body workouts are the most efficient and effective way to attain a lean yet muscular physique.


For one, it allows you to train each muscle more frequently, but because the volume is relatively low in each given workout, you shouldn’t experience as much soreness after each workout. And moreover, for people who don’t have a ton of time to devote to doing additional cardio, or for people who just don’t like cardio (*raises hand*), full-body workouts are more metabolic so you get more bang for your buck.

First off, exercise should never hurt. If something hurts, don’t do it. If one of my clients has an injury, I refer them to a physical therapist and/or doctor to treat that injury and then we work AROUND the injury, not through it. So, that’s what I recommend you do, too. Seek medical help from a qualified professional, and then when it comes to the workouts, focus on what you CAN do rather than what you can’t do.

Yes, you can definitely reduce the rest periods. BUT, make you aren’t rushing the workout and that you’re fully-to-mostly recovered when you do your sets. I deliberately made the rest periods a bit longer than you might be used to because I wanted to counteract the urge to speed through the workout in an attempt to make it into cardio. So, if I recommend 60 or 90 seconds of rest between exercises you don’t necessarily need to wait that whole time, but I don’t want you flying through each exercise without resting at all. If you finish a set and are immediately ready for the next set, I’d say you might not have pushed yourself hard enough on the set.

Each week consists of three full-body strength workouts. The exact days you do the workouts is up to you, so don’t feel pressure to stick to a rigid routine if you have a busy or irregular schedule. Ideally you’d give yourself a day into between each strength workout, so it might look something like Monday-Wednesday-Friday or Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday/Sunday.


That said, if your schedule is such that you have to (or want to) train on consecutive days, that’s totally fine. One of the great things about full-body workouts is that the volume is relatively low for each muscle group per workout, so we aren’t damaging the muscles to nearly the same degree or causing soreness, so we can train on back-to-back days without worrying about overdoing it.


So all that to say: take a day between strength workouts when you can, but don’t stress if you work on back-to-back days occasionally if your schedule gets jammed.


Along those lines, if life gets busy or you have to miss a scheduled workout for whatever reason, don’t skip that workout entirely. Just pick up where you left off and keep going. If you only get two workouts in one week, for example, just start the next week with Workout 3.

Your main priority should be completing your three strength workouts each week, but assuming you’re doing that, you can also do some additional lower intensity exercise on the other ‘off’ days of the week. I think it’s a good idea to give yourself at least one day completely off each week—sometimes two—but that gives you 2-3 days to get some additional exercise on top of the weight workouts.


Potential options include:


– Formal ‘gym’ cardio

– Walking

– Hiking

– Sports

– Mobility Circuits

– Stretching

– Yoga

– Pilates

– Swimming/Pool Work


This is your chance to add in other things that you enjoy because we don’t want your exercise routine to feel like a chore. While the strength workouts stay routine and consistent, the ‘off’ days are your chance to switch it up and incorporate different modes of activity that you enjoy.


The only rule here is that the activities you do on ‘off’ days shouldn’t be so hard that it leaves you sore and negatively impacts your scheduled strength workouts.


For both programs you’ll need a foam roller and a band for the warm-up.


For the women’s program you’ll only need dumbbells and a bench. I’d love for you to have a TRX (or similar) and a kettlebell too, but if you don’t, we have modifications.


For the men’s program you’ll need dumbbells, a bench, a trap bar, a TRX (or similar), and a landmine. However, if you don’t have a landmine, ab wheel, trap bar, or TRX, we have modifications.


The reason for the differing equipment is that prior to creating the program, I polled my followers to see what equipment they had at their disposal because I’m trying to make this useful for the most amount of people. Most of my male followers reported that they had a trap bar and landmine, while most of my female followers didn’t.


If you’re doing the women’s program and have a trap bar and/or a landmine and want to include it, that’s totally fine.